Conversion Charts
Knitting and crochet patterns often come from all corners of the globe, and they use different systems for needle sizes and yarn weights. If you’ve ever felt confused by US, UK, or metric measurements, you’re not alone! This page is here to simplify the process and help you convert these standards with ease.
Whether you’re working on a pattern from overseas or substituting yarn for a project, our conversion charts provide a quick and reliable reference. From needle sizes to yarn weight equivalents, we’ve gathered all the essential information to ensure your projects turn out perfectly—no matter where your tools or patterns come from.
Dive into the charts below to find the exact match for your crafting needs, and never let conversions slow you down again!
US to Metric Needle Sizes
Knitting needles vary in size depending on the system used in different countries. The chart below compares US and metric sizes to help you select the right needle for your project. Whether you’re following an American or Australian pattern, this chart ensures you can seamlessly convert sizes to match your tools.
US | Metric (mm) |
0 | 2 |
1 | 2.25 |
NA | 3 |
3 | 3.25 |
4 | 3.5 |
5 | 3.75 |
6 | 4 |
7 | 4.5 |
8 | 5 |
9 | 5.5 |
10 | 6 |
10 ½ | 6.5 |
NA | 7 |
11 | 8 |
13 | 9 |
15 | 10 |
Tip: If you’re working on a pattern from the US, use this chart to match your needle size with the correct metric equivalent.
Weight Conversion
Yarn weight is crucial for creating beautifully finished projects, especially when substituting yarns. Different countries label yarn weights differently, so we’ve created this chart to compare American and Australian standards. Whether you’re working with ‘Lace Weight’ or ‘Bulky,’ you’ll find the right match.
America | Australia |
Lace Weight | 1 Ply |
Baby or Fingering | 2 Ply & 3 Ply |
Sport Weight | 4 Ply |
Worsted Weight | 8 Ply Double Knit
Medium | 10 Ply |
Bulky | 12 to 14 Ply |
Tip: When substituting yarn, always check the ply and weight in your country’s system to ensure your finished project matches the pattern’s gauge.